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This is a fairy's tale

Bronze flames for The Warmest Week

Bronze flames for The Warmest Week

Bronze flames for The Warmest Week

Bronze flames for The Warmest Week

From Dec. 9 through Dec. 19, we will be selling silver earrings and silver rings with bronze flames to benefit The Warmest Week. This year, The Warmest Week supports 276 projects against loneliness....

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Black Friday = 10% for you + 10% for the fight against long covid

Black Friday = 10% for you + 10% for the fight against long covid

Our Black Friday this year is dedicated to lung covid, myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and other post-infectious diseases. In addition to 10% off for you, we are also donating 10% of the proceeds...

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Fairy in Nerdland pt. 10

Fairy in Nerdland pt. 10

In addition to fascinating facts and the wonderful company of Lieven Scheire, Els Aerts, Marjan Verhelst, Jeroen Baert, Bart Van Peer and Hetty Helsmoortel, there is another Fairy Positron...

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Our plushies become eco

Our plushies become eco

Great news: I Heart Guts' anatomical plushies get an eco-friendly upgrade with a filling made of recycled polyester. This means you can now cuddle with a conscience, because ...

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Nerdland Festival

Nerdland Festival

As in past years, you can shop some of our products at the amazing Nerdland Festival this weekend. In the Merch Store of the festival you can find our anatomical plushies e...

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Bronze flames for The Warmest Week

Bronze flames for The Warmest Week

Warmest Week has begun again! We are donating the total proceeds from the sale of our earrings with bronze flames from Dec. 18 through Dec. 24 (or while supplies last) on k...

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Green Friday: 10% for Natuurpunt and for you 💚

Green Friday: 10% for Natuurpunt and for you 💚

Green Friday? Just like last year, we are participating in Green Friday again: for every purchase you make in our webshop this weekend (from Friday to Monday), we'll give you a 10% savings discount* and save...

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Save the date: come fair & eco (work) shopping on October 8 at the M-fair in Mechelen

Save the date: come fair & eco (work) shopping on October 8 at the M-fair in Mechelen

From October 4 to 14, it's Fairtrade Week again! During this period, fair and sustainable trade is given extra attention. Therefore, on Sunday, October 8, the city of Mechelen organizes the M-fair, ...

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Fairy in Nerdland pt. 9

Fairy in Nerdland pt. 9

There is another Fairy Positron-surprise in (near) the new Nerdland monthly review. You know what that means...

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Fairy Positron at the Nerdland Festival

Fairy Positron at the Nerdland Festival

This weekend you will find a selection of our shoulder bags, pencils and socks in the Book & Merch Store at the amazing Nerdland Festival! Find all info & tickets at www.nerdlandfestival....

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